Thursday, October 21, 2010

Learning Objects - How big are you?

This activity is ideal for younger students who are learning about dinosaurs as they are able to guess and calculate how long different dinosaurs may be.  This activity also incorporates some maths elements, as students are estimating different measurements.  This learning activity is also a simulation object as well as a conceptual object as is is showing some real-life process (by using the dolphins and other animals to measure) as well as the 'Representation of a key concept or related concepts of subject matter' (Churchill, 2007, pg. 484), as the game is relevant to the topic of dinosaurs.

This learning object would be very useful when running a unit of work based on dinosaurs instead of approaching the unit the traditional way because students are able to visualise how big dinosaurs actually are.  Instead of using unit measurements that some students may not understand, this activity allows students to make estimations, which also classifies this object as a practice object, of how big a dinosaur may be by using real life things such as animals.  Students have more of an understanding about how big a dolphin is so it is easier for them to visualise how big dinosaurs are.  This object is also useful in the way that it is a lot more hands on that the students just completing a work sheet.  Students are able to interactive and listen to different voices to follow instructions and are able to see their answers come to life on the screen.

To find out more about Learning Objects, see the 'Learning Objects' link on the left hand side.

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