Web 2.0

Many of you may be confused about the term web 2.0 and what it means.  The main idea is that "Web 2.0 is a perceived transition of the web to web applications. Web 2.0 is the next generation of technology solutions where interactive content is the norm,"  (Housley, 2005).  Although there is not one exact definition, this is the basic concept behind it.  It may seem like an easy concept to grasp, but even trying to establish the difference between web 1.0 and web 2.0 can be tricky.  In a nutshell, the following image describes that difference.

Web 2.0 also allows for interactive information sharing which is where anyone is able "to share information in the form of photos, music, photos - in fact, anything digital," (Taylor, 2010).  The most common websites that people use for this kind of sharing are Facebook, Wordpress, YouTube and Myspace.  To demonstrate some of these websites, and the ways in which we are able to use them, see posts on the main page.