Saturday, October 9, 2010

Web 2.0 - Twitter

Twitter is a social networking website that can be used for posting short text based tweets of up to 140 characters.  These tweets are displayed on each users profile and are made available for the general public to view unless the user restricts it to friends only.  You can also subscribe to, or 'follow' other users.  This means that their posts will appear on your home screen so that you are easily able to keep track of who you are following.  Users are also able to receive new tweets via SMS.  You are also able to upload images to twitter, and 'tweet' them so that your friends and others are able to view them.  The following screen cap is an example of what the main home page for any user looks like on twitter, and for this example I have used Neil Patrick Harris's twitter.

Twitter is a fun way to stay in touch with what people are doing all around the world, but it can also be used to keep in touch with those who might live right around the corner.  This comes in handy when using twitter for educational purposes.  One thing that all users of like about twitter is how easy it is to use.  Everything is simple and straight forward and doesn't take long to sign up.  This makes it easy for students to use as well as teachers.  Teachers are able to make accounts for different topics, allowing students to tweet questions at their teacher in regards to different topics.  This makes it easier for learning at home.

Although there are advantages to using twitter, there are also some disadvantages when using twitter.  Twitter comes with many distractions, such as following celebrities and finding out what they're up to, which can detract from actual school work.  It is also difficult to fit into the 140 character word limit, which puts restraints on what students can post.

To find out more about Web 2.0 visit the link on the left hand side.

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